How to buy a tool Ahrefs cheap SEO / group buy

I have over 10 years experience in digital marketing and used all kinds of SEO software. SEO is a process of research, decision making and implementation.
The SEO process is the keyword research, site audit, verification backlink, backlink research and you need to check how keywords are performing in the search engine.
There is no end to the process of SEO, mentioned above is the basic process. This article is about the best SEO software, I have used so far to do all SEO tasks.
Google Keyword Planner is the only tool I use for keyword research. I think the demand for AdWord can collect accurate data on the same company's search engine. I do not blame other search engines by keyword, but the data that the number of people searching on Google search engine can be given accurately by Google.
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How to buy a tool Ahrefs cheap SEO / group buy
I know that keywords planners today only show the exact search volume on the accounts related to the implementation of paid campaigns. My suggestion is to launch paid campaigns and get accurate data as this will help in both directions.
There is no free keyword research tools only paid tools that you have on the market. Rather than pay only for research of AdWords keywords and run some accurate data.
Ahrefs is my favorite SEO software when working with an SEO task as it is able to do all the necessary tasks for SEO. Although it can perform all the tasks I suggest most of the time for the audit of SEO. In fact, I'm checking on three levels.
The first level is a site audit to find the general site technical errors. The second level is an individual page and audit content to optimize for a keyword.
The third level is an accessibility audit is to check the page loading speed and user experience. I always use the SEMrush to the audit site, because it covers my first and second levels of audits perfectly.
On overall check of the site, it checks more than 200 checklists and classified into error, warning, and notes. This gives an idea that most of the SEO effects.
Audit of individual page is the most powerful tool to use because it collects data on our competition and we suggest to optimize a page for a targeted keyword.

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